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Human Resources Development Programmes in Nigerian Academic Libraries: A Comparative Study of Universities in Imo State.
a view to compare the HRD programmes of the institutions under study. The study examined different types of HRD. Related literature was reviewed. To carry out the study, four objectives were stated and
research questions formulated from them. Questionnaire was used to collect relevant data from the entire population of 50 librarians and para-professionals. The two University librarians were also interviewed.
Percentage tabulation and bar chart when necessary were used to answer the objectives. The study revealed that: the two universities carry out HRD programme and their types of training and development programmes vary. In Imo State University, librarians and para-professionals sponsored themselves for training and development programmes while in FUTO they were sponsored by the university management. The research showed inadequate funding; personal financial constraints, lack of facilities to train with were major problems that affected training and development of librarians and para-professionals in IMSU and FUTO. It was suggested that for effective HRD, each university library should have a written staff
development policy; In-service training and short courses should be encouraged; Facilities for training should be provided; adequate fund should be provided for training and development of library personnel.