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Application of artificial intelligence (AI) for information services delivery: Exploring the readiness and challenges in some university libraries in Katsina State

A. S. Safana
S. A. Fari


In recent years Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become increasingly common in various sectors, including the libraries. It is widely accepted that AI is capable to revolutionize information service delivery; improve automation and digitization of library’s operations and subsequently improve working capabilities of library staff members in general. The major aim of this study is to explore the readiness and challenges of applying AI for information service delivery in some university libraries in Katsina state. These specific objectives were to evaluate the readiness of the libraries on the application of AI and finally to identify the challenges that libraries face towards the application of AI. The study employed quantitative and descriptive survey design. The population of the study comprises all the library staff members working in the three (3) university libraries in Katsina (i.e. UMYU, FUDMA & AL-QALAM) and 165 library staff members were proportionately sampled. The study used descriptive and inferential statistics to analyse and present the data using SPSS. The findings of the study reveal that library staff members are open and ready to apply AI if well provided; however, certain factors identified need to be fulfilled to ensure seamless application, which, among others, include specific AI policy document, AI support infrastructure, equipping library staff with AI skills. Consequently, the findings identify certain challenges that hinder application of AI such as inadequate financial or budgetary provision, lack of AI support infrastructure, AI policy document, plagiarism and intellectual freedom theft, and fear of job loss or polarization. The study recommends that that government, university managements and library management should make available AI support infrastructure, telecommunications facilities to facilitate easy transition to AI in libraries. Additionally, TET Fund and NITDA should collaborate with NLA and local library branches to formulate a comprehensive policy document that would guide libraries and library staff towards responsible and ethical AI application into library operations and services. Libraries should seek increased support from government and funding agencies such as TETFund, UNESCO and IFLA to invest considerably in the provision of adequate budgetary provision, provision of AI support infrastructure and telecommunication facilities necessary for successful AI integration in the libraries.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1596-5414