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Adoption of security system for library and information services provision by the staff of Federal Polytechnic Bida Niger State, Nigeria
The study investigated the Adoption of Security System for Library and Information Services provision by the staff of Federal Polytechnic Bida Niger State, Nigeria. In conducting the study three research questions were formulated, what types of security systems are used for library and information services provision by the staff of Federal Polytechnic Bida Niger State, Nigeria. What are the needs for security systems for library and information services provision by the staff of Federal Polytechnic Bida Niger State, Nigeria? The study's methodology was quantitative research methodology with a survey research design. The target population of the study comprises the staff of Federal Polytechnic Bida Niger State, Nigeria. The study's sample size was 52 employees, and the data collection instrument was a structured questionnaire. The findings revealed that security clearance procedure, 3m exit detection, and video recording surveillance were the main Types of security systems used for library and information services provision, revealed that protecting materials on exhibit and controlling entrances and exits were the needs for a security system for library and information services provision and revealed that, Lack of funding, mishandling behaviours of materials and inadequate staff/personnel were the main Challenge staffs encountered for using security systems provision. The study concluded that library staff were not very aware of the different types of security systems available in libraries but, the library management needs to make a positive move toward improving security measures, as it is a known fact that libraries are not always safe and secure places, and they are facing a variety of social concerns. The study recommended that the management of should provide, ID cards and access authorization, electronic video Recording Surveillance, security guards employed to patrol, electronic eye detection, and signature of every user (Gate Registration among others The Management should enhance marks of ownership accessibility and use, inventory control and vigilance, guarding against mutilation and vandalism, protecting materials in book drops, among others, The Management of should provide more solutions on mutilation of books, book, vandalism of materials, stealing of personal belongings of staff and patrons.