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Adoption of telemedicine services by medical professionals in selected hospitals in Zaria Metropolis, Kaduna State, Nigeria

Suleiman Sambo
Mohammed Habibu
Babangida U. Dangani


This study was carried out to investigate the ‘Adoption of Telemedicine Services by Medical Professionals in Selected Hospitals in Zaria Metropolis, Kaduna State, Nigeria. Three research questions were raised; What is the current level of awareness among Medical Professionals regarding Telemedicine in Zaria Metropolis Kaduna State Nigeria?, What are the level of ethical, legal and regulatory considerations associated with the use of Telemedicine in Zaria Metropolis Kaduna State Nigeria? and What are the key challenges and barriers to the use of Telemedicine in Zaria Metropolis Kaduna State Nigeria? The study used Quantitative Methodology and Cross-Sectional Survey Design to carry out the research among various Medical Professionals using a sampling frame obtained from a list of selected Hospitals located in and around Zaria Metropolis Kaduna State, Nigeria, from 2022-2023. Proportionate Stratified Sampling technique was used in this study. The study revealed that majority of Medical Professionals are fully aware of Telemedicine in Zaria Metropolis even though they do not utilize it on daily basis, also that majority of Medical Professionals in Zaria Metropolis seek informed consent of patients while utilizing Telemedicine and that Patient privacy and confidentiality is protected and that Limited access to technology and privacy and security concerns are the major challenges hindering the utilization of Telemedicine by Medical Professionals in Zaria Metropolis. The study concluded that Utilization of Telemedicine by Medical Professionals in Zaria Metropolis has a number of benefits, including increased access to Medical Care, improved quality of Medical Care, reduced costs, increased efficiency and effectiveness, improved patient satisfaction, and the potential to revolutionize the delivery of Medical Care in Zaria Metropolis even though there are some challenges that needed to be looked at. The following recommendations where made; that Efforts should be made to encourage the use of Telemedicine by Medical Professionals in Zaria Metropolis on daily basis due to the numerous benefits by creating more awareness, Medical Professionals in Zaria Metropolis should be encourage to work more on Professional Conduct, Malpractice insurance, Data Protection and Reimbursement to patients and Medical Care providers should give more access to technology and Privacy and security as well as encouraging the use of Telemedicine.

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eISSN: 1596-5414