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Exploring the use of library assistive technology for learning by visually impaired students of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria
The study explored the use of library assistive technologies (LAT) for learning by visually impaired students at Ahmadu Bello University (ABU), Zaria, Nigeria. To achieve this purpose, five objectives were established, amongst which were; to investigate the experiences of visually impaired students of Ahmadu Bello University on the use of Library Assistive Technology and to determine how the Library Assistive Technologies meet the performance expectancy of Visually Impaired Students of Ahmadu Bello University. A qualitative research methodology and a phenomenology research design were used to have a thorough understanding of the subject. The population of the study was 27 visually impaired students and a sample of 9 undergraduate visually impaired students was drawn at the point of saturation. Data was collected using focus group discussions with the help of three research assistants. The rigour of the research process was assessed through credibility, transferability, confirmability and dependability. Data analysis followed a thematic approach to identify recurring themes in student experiences and expectations. From the analysis, it was revealed that most participants were aware of LAT available in KIL, although one participant was unaware of any assistive technologies being available. It was shown that while KIL offers various LAT options, student utilization remains low. The visually impaired students who utilized LAT in the library demonstrated significant academic improvement. While some of the students had positive experiences with some functional equipment, most of them reported negative experiences due to limited access, malfunctioning technology, and inadequate facilities. Lastly, the finding revealed that the Low LAT use was linked to the student’s expectations regarding the technology's performance in meeting their needs. Therefore, the study concluded that the negative experiences of visually impaired students with the LATs coupled with the technologies not meeting their expectations contribute to their low usage. Based on the findings of this study, it is recommended that library management should invest in acquiring sufficient and modern LATs compatible with student needs, to repair malfunctioning LATs and implement a robust maintenance strategy. The management should provide staff training and support by offering workshops and personalized assistance to train staff effectively so they can in turn train and assist students on the use of LATs.