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Approaches to intelligence information gathering and sharing among security agencies for security management in Kaduna State, Nigeria
This study investigated the approaches used by security agencies to gather and share intelligence information for security management in Kaduna State, Nigeria. Two (2) research questions guided the study which were: what types of intelligence information are gathered and shared among security agencies in Kaduna State? What approaches are used for intelligence information gathering and sharing by security agencies for security management in Kaduna State? This study adopted a quantitative research methodology and a cross-sectional survey design was adopted. The population of this study was 44,976 comprising of Nigerian Army, Nigerian Police, Nigerian Civil Defense Corps (NCDC) and Kaduna State Vigilante (KADVIS). A purposive sampling technique was adopted and a self-designed questionnaire was subjected to face and content validity, and a reliability test result of 0.901 was obtained. The questionnaire was used to collect data using a sample size of 62 respondents. The data collected was described and analyzed using frequencies table, percentages, mean and standard deviation. The hypotheses were tested using one-way ANOVA. The findings revealed that the common types of intelligence information gathering and sharing for security management in Kaduna State were information about criminal hideout and criminal modes of operation. Securities agencies in Kaduna State rely more on a non-kinetic approach to intelligence information gathering using rapport and. Inter-agency collaborations were also the most preferred way of intelligence sharing among security agencies in Kaduna state. The study concluded that the Nigerian state is currently bedeviled with an array of criminal activities which require comprehensive intelligence information sourcing and utilization. The absence of comprehensive studies on intelligence information gathering and sharing has made the fight against crime and criminality in Kaduna State almost unbeatable. The study therefore recommended that security agencies should collaborate with community leaders, elders, youth and other stakeholders for effective intelligence information gathering, they should also strengthen rapport with crime suspects and syndicates for effective intelligence gathering. Security agencies should also intensify efforts on daily intelligence gathering and sharing.