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Knowledge sharing behaviour of library personnel in Ondo State tertiary institutions: Benefits and challenges
This study investigated the benefits and challenges of knowledge sharing among library personnel working in tertiary institution libraries of Ondo State. A descriptive survey research design was adopted for this study. The population of the study comprised one hundred and fourteen library personnel working in Ondo State tertiary institutions. The study adopted the total enumeration technique. A structured questionnaire was used as a data collection instrument. Out of one hundred and fourteen (114) copies of the questionnaire administered, ninety-two (92) copies were found useful for this study, giving a response rate of 80.7%. Descriptive statistics were used to analyse the data. Results revealed that library personnel benefit immensely from knowledge sharing as the majority of the respondents strongly agreed that knowledge sharing leads to improvement in work practices (= 3.48), generation of new knowledge (= 3.32), provision of timely services (= 3.25), and so on. Results also revealed that virtually all the listed barriers militate against knowledge sharing among library personnel, such as lack of motivation and shortage of infrastructure. The study recommended adequate provision for staff training and technological infrastructure to motivate knowledge-sharing behaviour among library personnel as well as improve library services.