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Combating small arms and light weapons smuggling in Nigeria: An analysis of intelligence information sources within the Nigeria customs service

Isiyaku Yahaya Kuta
Tijjani Abubakar
Hayatu Musa Muhammad
Mohammed Habibu


This study investigates the sources of intelligence information utilized by the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) to combat the smuggling of arms and ammunition across the nation's borders. Utilizing the Intelligence Cycle Model as a framework, the research identifies key intelligence sources, including the NCS intelligence team, informants, special agents, other border agencies, and international databases such as INTERPOL. Findings revealed that while these sources play a significant role in intelligence collection, there is a notable deficiency in intelligence obtained from border communities, import clearing agents, and local databases like the Single Window database. This gap suggests missed opportunities for enhancing intelligence operations and underscores the necessity for improved engagement with local stakeholders. The study concludes with recommendations aimed at strengthening the NCS's intelligence-gathering capabilities, fostering community collaboration, and ultimately bolstering national security against the backdrop of ongoing challenges related to arms smuggling.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1596-5414