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Age and educational background as a predicator on utilization of information and communication technology among undergraduate library users in university libraries in Cross River State, Nigeria

Akunjom Edim Abang
Ibukun-Oluwa Chidnma Obafemi
Joseph Ungwugwaye Igligli
Peace Asukwo Nyong


The study investigated age and educational background as a predictor of the utilization of information and communication technology among undergraduate library users in university libraries in Cross River State. The study tested two hypotheses to determine the influence of age on the utilization of information and communication technology among undergraduate library users in Cross River State public university libraries and determine the influence of educational background on the utilization of information and communication technology among Undergraduate library users in Cross River State Public Universities. The study adopted an Expost facto research design with a multistage sampling technique to select a total of 667 registered library users representing 10% of the population of the study from the two institutions of 6808. The reliability estimate ranged from .77 to .83. The findings revealed that there is a significant influence of Age on the Utilization of Information and Communication Technology among library users and there is also no significant influence of educational qualification on the utilization of information and communication technology among library users. The study recommended that younger users should be encouraged to intensify their use of the library to make use of modern facilities university should enforce the registration of students with the library compulsory from the first year of study.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1596-5414