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Understanding the challenges to information-seeking behaviour amongst internally displaced women in Western Equatorial State, South Sudan

Aisha Jummai Abdulsalam
Abdurrahman Jibril


This study was conducted to explore challenges to Information Behaviour amongst Internally Displaced Women in the Western Equatorial State, South Sudan. This propelled the researcher to conduct the research that sought to shed more light on what prompts internally displaced women in the study area to seek information, specifically establishing how women access information in IDP sites and the challenges experienced by women in accessing information in IDP sites in Western Equatorial State, South Sudan. Qualitative research methodology and an interpretive phenomenology research design were utilized for this research. Eight women leaders among the IDP population in Sites of Western Equatorial State, South Sudan were engaged to obtain necessary information for the study. A purposive sampling technique was employed for the selection of the participants and a Semi-structured interview was utilized for the data collection, while and thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. Findings from the study revealed that access to information among women in the Western Equatorial State is through other women, camp coordinators and Media. Challenges to information on health, information on education, food, current trends, finance and relocation among others necessitate internally displaced women in the study area to seek information. This information is normally obtained from documents disseminated at the sites, peer networks, social networks, and camp leadership. Some of the IDPs are not privy to the information due to layers of barriers that impede them. This also serves as a hindrance in them accessing some essential services that ease their stay at the IDP sites. This research therefore recommends collective social cohesion and peace-building efforts of the Government and other stakeholders to ensure durable solutions to the incessant ethno-political violence in the Western Equatorial state, and in South Sudan as a whole to avert the multiple displacements the population is susceptible to.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1596-5414