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Enhancing public library services for community development and transformation centres in Adamawa State-Nigeria
This research work examined public libraries as a centre for education and community transformation. To highlight the potential of libraries, the study was guided by two research questions to determine how public libraries enhance community development and uproot challenges related to transforming public libraries in Adamawa state Nigeria. A descriptive survey design was adopted for the research, with a population of 130 respondents drawn from the Adamawa State Library Board, and members of the host community. The instrument used to generate data is a questionnaire and the data generated was analyzed using frequency tables and percentages. The major challenges confronting the libraries include Inadequate funding, Poor ICT Skills by Staff, Poor Conditions of Service, etc. The conclusion briefly explains the usefulness of public libraries in society. The recommendation stressed that the state government should address staff training challenges in public libraries in the state, increase funding to them, and set mechanisms to ensure that funds reach the libraries and the libraries should utilize the funds adequately to provide effective community development and transformation among other recommendations.