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Effect of techno stress among academic librarians in Nigeria Universities

Fauziyah Nihinlolawa Adenekan


This study examines effect of techno stress among academic librarians in Nigeria Universities. The study is a survey research anchored on positivism paradigm. The questionnaire was used as data collection instrument. Furthermore total enumeration method was used since the population comprised of 50 academic librarians in three selected Universities in South- West Nigeria. The data was analysed using SPSS version 21. The finding revealed that the respondents experienced cognitive, affective and behavioural forms of techno stress, which had negative effect on their personal and professional development. The study recommended constant health care monitoring and the need for adequate relaxation after the use of technological tools. The study joins in discussion for creating awareness on effect of techno stress among professionals in the library.

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eISSN: 1596-5414