The study was undertaken to determine the awareness and utilization of information services provision by mobile communication networks among GSM users in Zaria, Nigeria. Survey research was adopted for the study. Out of the 1534 GSM users that constitute the population of the study using 2.5 margin of error and 95% confidence level, 1269(82.72%) were randomly sampled for the study. Questionnaire were constructed and administered to GSM users and interview was conducted to those that cannot fill the questionnaire directly. Data were analyzed descriptively using frequency count, percentage and mode. The study revealed that GSM users are not fully aware and utilizing some services like M.M.S, Geographical services such as coverage map and location base services as they were rated below 40% average bench mark. The study recommend that Urgent step should be taken by the network providers to make their users aware (using advance channels) of some information services like the geographical services (coverage map and L.B.S) and M.M.S. Also they should create a mechanism for exhibition in network branches and other strategic areas along major cities in Nigeria (Zaria metropolis) demonstrating how to utilize complex mobile network technologies or by enriching the available channel like the media, mobile phone, and customer care.