This study aimed at determining the information needs and resources provision for students of Schools of Nursing in North Central States of Nigeria. A descriptive survey research design was employed and all students within the six schools of nursing in the North Central States of Nigeria alongside with the head of libraries in each of the schools, were used as the population of the study. Hence, a total of one thousand, three hundred and six (1,306) students formed the sample size. Questionnaire was the instrument used for collecting data from the two respondent groups in the six sampled schools of nursing libraries while data collected from both interview guide and questionnaire were descriptively analyzed and the findings presented in tabular forms and expressed in frequencies and percentages where necessary. It was found that the respondents major information needs has to do with information for formal course of study and practices, information for patient care, and information for research purposes. It was also found that the respondents appreciate the use and relevance of internet, textbooks/monographs and learned journals even though they are in short supply. The main problems that however militate against information needs of students of nursing were the inadequate information resources. It was therefore recommended that the management of the schools of nursing should provide adequate information resources, efficient internet facilities as well as effective user education, so that students of nursing can have more access to various electronic resources that can aid their study and improved knowledge towards adequately serving their communities after graduation.