The study surveyed the provision of information services to rural communities in Nguro-Soye district of Bama Local Government Area of Borno State, Nigeria. Objective of the study include assessing information needs profile and he existing information service providers in Soye Community. Simple random sampling method was used to obtain proportional figures of 300 people. The instrument used for data collection was a structured interview schedule designed by the researchers referred to as Rural Community Information Service Survey (RCISS). Three hundred (300) copies of the instrument were administered and 275 copies were returned, representing 91.7%. Data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics of frequencies and percentages. The findings of the study showed that rural people in the Soye district have identifiable information needs mainly in the areas of agriculture, health, government programmes and small scale industries. They visit the existing information service providers in the community to satisfy these needs. However, majority of them expressed that they are not satisfied with information provided to them by these agencies. Findings further revealed that majority
of the respondents are aware of ICT services – such as radio and television broadcast, and GSM, except the internet, in the provision of information dissemination and communication. Based on the findings of the study, it
was recommended among others that community participation in provision and dissemination of information should be encouraged through regular consultations, meetings and discussions between the community members
and information providers.