A study to investigate the diversity of the mammalian fauna of the Mazie National Park (mnp) was carried out from October 2007 to March 2008. Based on topographic maps, and a preliminary survey, four habitat types (riverine forest, grassland with scattered trees, savannah grassland, and bush land) were identified. Mammals were recorded in representative samples of each vegetation type in the park. A total of 39 mammalian species were recorded in mnp. Of these, 30 were medium to large-sized mammals, 6 were small rodents and 3 were shrews. The observed mammals of the study area were grouped into eight categories based on their feeding habits as meat eaters (23%), fruit and leaf eaters (8%), termite specialists (3%), root eaters (8%), grazers and browsers (10%), small gleaners (13%), bulk feeders (3%) and others (32%).