The population density, sex and age ratio and grouping pattern of Menelik’s bushbuck (Traglaphus scriptus meneliki) was studied in the Menagesha-Suba State Forest (msf) during August 2009 – April 2010. Data were collected during wet and dry seasons. Total-count method was used in four selected study sites within the forest. A total of 110 and 156 Menelik’s bushbucks were recorded during the wet and dry seasons, respectively. The seasonal difference in abundance was statistically significant. Sighting records did not show significant differences between study sites. The overall density of Menelik’s bushbucks in msf was estimated to be 12 km-2. Based on the density estimate, the population of Menelik’s bushbuck in the msf is extrapolated to be 296 individuals. The adult sex ratio was nearly 1:1 while the adult female to young ratio was 9.6:1.0. More than 65% of the sightings were those of single individuals. In comparison to previous studies, the findings of the present study indicate that the population status of Menelik’s bushbuck in the msf is within the expected range and hence there is no need for immediate conservation intervention.