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Aim and Scope Studies in Gender and Development in Africa (SIGADA) is a Journal of the Faculty of Integrated Development Studies (FIDS), University for Development Studies (UDS), Ghana. SIGADA is a trans-disciplinary publication that prioritizes gender as a development issue. It is a forum for sharing research, resources, aesthetic expressions, lived realities and activisms on gender issues in development with the view to contributing to the promotion of gender equality and social justice in Africa. Regional (continental), sub-regional, national, area, organizational and individual as well as transnational (comparative) studies and works are accepted. Theoretical and empirical works in the social and physical sciences are accepted. Submissions may focus on policy, programmes, and/or projects. A clear link to development is a basic requirement. In order to support the sharing of diverse experiences, articles, biographies, book reviews, research reports, poetry or songs, community events, national resources inventories are welcomed. SIGADA is a peer-reviewed publication. Each submission shall be reviewed by at least two gender specialists in the particular field Mission SIGADA seeks to promote gender equality and social justice through the provision of a forum for sharing scholarly research and other productions on gender and development. Copyright As publisher of SIGADA, the FIDS of the UDS is the copyright owner. By submitting and publishing works in the SIGADA, authors by definition cede their copy rights to the FIDS and are subject to all copyright regulations. Disclaimer Authors shall bear sole responsibility of any irregularities, anomalies and inaccuracies in their works. Frequency SIGADA shall be issued once a year in September. Submissions are accepted all year round. However, for possible inclusion in a particular year it should be submitted by end of April that year. Components 1. Articles must show the following: i. Title/heading: In Bold and Large case, ii. Abstract of not more than 200 words capturing theme/rationale, methodology, main arguments/themes of finding, conclusion iii. Five key descriptors/words iv. Introduction (may include rationales, methodology, delimitation of area) v. Body (may include, conceptual/theoretical framework, empirical and/or analytical work including issues, claims, arguments; implications/relevance etc.) vi. Conclusion, recommendations, suggestions etc vii. Reference List viii. A separate sheet on author details (full name, title, institution affiliation, email, phone, research interest and title of paper. Text Presentation i. Texts should be divided into headings and subheadings and guided by the following: Level 1: BOLD, LARGE CASE (capitals); Level 2: Bold, small case; Level 3: Bold, small case, italics. DO NO FORMAT ii. All texts must be in Microsoft word, Times New Roman, 12pt font and justified left only. DO NOT FORMAT. Margins: Left – 1.5, Right – 1.0 iii. Author name or other identity should not appear in the text. The Paper should carry the title only. However, provide a separate sheet for author information including full name, title, and status, specialization, institutional affiliation, postal address, email address and phone numbers. Length A maximum of 25 pages double spaced and on A4 paper is allowed. Referencing All article submissions to SIGADA should be guided by the APA Manual Style guide. Two forms of references are required: in text (citations) and end of text (list of references). a. In-Text Referencing i. All references in texts should include author surname and year of publication and in brackets e.g. (Nikoi, 1998) or (Nikoi, 1998; Anto, 2005; Issah, 2007) ii . Where multiple authors are use, list all surnames on first use. E.g., (Nikoi, Addah & Issah, 2007) subsequently use (Nikoi, et. al., 2007) iii. Citations (direct quotes) should show author surname, year of publication and page number. E.g. (Nikoi, 1998: 243) or Olukoshe & Anto, 2007: 354) iv.. Extras: Use footnotes rather than end notes for extras v. Tables: All tables should appear in text in appropriate sections and should have headings, at the top, as follows: Table 1: Perceptions by Sex, Table 2: Incidence of Disease. vi. Figures: All figures should appear in text in appropriate places with heading as follows: Fig 1: Perceptions by Sex; Fig. 2: Incidence of diseases. vii. . Sources of Tables and Figures: Should appear at the end of the table as follows: Source: Ghana Statistical Service (2002). 2000 Population and Housing Census. Accra, Ghana. p. 30. or Source: Community Interactions 2007 (May) or Field Survey, 2008 (June). b. List of References: i. A full reference list of all in-text citations in alphabetical order surname first, then first name/initials, year of publications in brackets, title of source, place of publication (city/state) and publisher (not printer). ii. Provide Page range and where necessary edition, version or volume/number for journals, anthologies and other collections used. iii. Highlight main text as follows: • Journal: Mba, A. (2005). “Gender in/equalities in the workplace.” Journal of Gender and Work, Vol. 3, No. 2. Pages 23 – 35. • Book: Nikoifio, S. A. (1998). Gender Meets Development. Accra, Ghana: Ghana Universities Press. • Book Chapter: Sumani, A. B. (2005). “Intelligibility across Cultures.” In Atia, A. A. (ed.). Feminist Epistemologies. (234 – 2 60). Tamale, Ghana: Unicorn Publishers • Corporate Author: GoG(1992). Constitution of the Republic of Ghana. Accra, Ghana: MOI/GoG • Others: Dzeanee, R. (2000). African Women’s Political History. Doctoral Dissertation submitted to School of Graduate Studies, University of Timbuctu, Manmamdu, Songhai (Unpublished). Entitlements Authors are entitled to a copy of the issue in which their work is published. Fees/Costs All submissions to SIGADA should be accompanied by a GHC10.00 submission fee (Ghana) or USD50.00 for external (foreign) submissions, non-refundable. When accepted for publishing authors will be required to a pay publishing fee of GHC 30.00 (Ghana) and USD100.00 for foreign submissions. A copy of SIGADA is sold at GHC5.00 or USD5.00 plus shipping costs. Western Union and bank transfers accepted for foreign submissions. Cash and/or check payments for local submissions only. Contacts Main: A Atia Apusigah University for Development Studies P. O. Box 520, Wa-UWR Ghana. Phone: 233(0)24-458-1725. Email: Alternate: Cuthbert Baataar University for Development Studies P. O. Box 520, Wa-UWR Ghana Phone: 233(0)27-4223710 Email:

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0855-9449
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