This study compared models for estimating carbon sequestered aboveground in Cupressus lusitanica plantation stands at Wondo Genet College of Forestry and Natural Resources, Ethiopia. Relationships of carbon storage with tree component and stand age were also investigated. Thirty trees of three different ages (5, 12 and 24 years), comprising 10 trees from each stand, were sampled in order to generate dry biomass and carbon data from tree components. Five linear and non-linear biomass and carbon models were compared and evaluated for estimation of overall aboveground carbon, carbon by age groups, and carbon by diameter at breast height (DBH) classes using performance indicator statistics. Among the models compared, a carbon model described by Y = b0D2H + ε (p-value < 0.001), where D = DBH (in cm), H = total height of the tree (in m), ε = error, and b0 is a parameter, was found to be the best model for estimation of carbon sequestered aboveground in C. lusitanica plantation stands of the study area. The study also indicated the overall superiority of carbon models over biomass models in estimation of aboveground carbon of C. lusitanica. It was concluded that, for the range of DBH utilised in the current study, the carbon model described can be a useful tool in estimation of carbon storage of C. lusitanica plantations in the study area and other related sites.
Keywords: biomass model, carbon model, carbon sequestration, Cupressus lusitanica
Southern Forests 2013, 75(3): 113–122