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Growth and yield models for Eucalyptus grandis grown in Swaziland

M du Plessis
H Kotze


The aim of this study was to develop a stand-level growth and yield model for short-rotationEucalyptus grandis grown for pulp wood production at Piggs Peak in Swaziland. The data were derived from a Nelder 1a spacing trial established with E. grandis  clonal cuttings in 1998 and terminated in 2005. Planting density ranged from almost free-growing trees established at 161 trees ha–1 to extremely dense stands at 6 809 trees ha–1. Functions were  fitted to describe stand density, dominant height and basal area development over time. The functions performed well when scrutinised for their goodness of fit. They were also found to be consistent with  forest growth theory when their logical behaviour was tested over the range of planting densities.

Keywords: basal area, Eucalyptus grandis, height, Nelder 1a spacing trial, Piggs Peak, stand density, stand-level growth and yield models, Swaziland

Southern Forests 2011, 73(2): 81–89

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2070-2639
print ISSN: 2070-2620