Field trips were undertaken as a preliminary exercise, to identify the available rattan species in Western Nigeria and to estimate the quantities available. Information relating to their end-uses was collected from cane furniture makers and other rattan cane users through the use of questionnaires and personal observation. The species in descending order of availability were Calamus deeratus, Eremospatha macrocarpa, Oncocalamus manni and Laccosperma secondiflorum. L. secundiflorum, C. deerratus, E. macrocarpa and O. manni having average stock densities per plot of 100 square metres of 6, 22, 12 and 18 clumps respectively. The diameters of the small-stemmed rattan species (C. deerratus, E. macrocarpa and O. manni) ranged from 7.2 to 17.8mm while that of L. secundiflorum, a large stemmed species, ranged from 12.5 to 38.5mm. Rattan canes were mainly from wild stocks and cane furniture/handicraft weavers form the bulk of cane users. Other uses of cane within the study area include: as cane for flogging, ropes for tying hides to drum frames, fish traps and loop for climbing palm trees. The wastage from harvesting operation of the rattan canes ranged from 20 to 55 percent of the length of the plant.
Rattan plants if properly harnessed, and their biological, physical and mechanical properties understood, could contribute significantly to the economy of African nations.
Key Words: Rattan canes; Cultivation; Harvesting; Processing; Utilisation; Species
Southern African Forestry Journal Issue 202 2004: 37-44