The repeated regeneration of Eucalyptus grandis through the management of coppice shoots results in large multi-stemmed stumps that are difficult to kill. To test the most effective manner in which these stumps could be killed, a trial was initiated at felling on a fourth rotation stand of E. grandis stumps in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands. Triclopyr (amine salt, 360 g l-1), triclopyr (butoxy ethyl ester, 480 g l-1), imazypyr (100 g l-1), metsulfuron-methyl (600 g kg-1) and a combination of triclopyr (butoxy ethyl ester, 480 g l-1) + glyphosate (isopropylamine salt, 192 g l-1) were applied to a basal frill, the cut surface, or the foliage of coppice regrowth of E. grandis stumps. These treatments were compared to an untreated control where the coppice regrowth was manually cut with an axe. Irrespective of the active ingredient, the use of herbicides proved to be more effective in preventing coppice regrowth than by manual control with an axe. The application of herbicides to a basal frill killed 90 % of the stumps and required the least follow-up control.
Keywords: Coppice regrowth, Sprouts, Stool, Cut surface, Foliar, Basal frill, Herbicides
Southern African Forestry Journal No.199 2003: 7-14