The ICFR initiated a search for alternative eucalypt species for the Zululand Coastal Plain region during 1992 by establishing a series of site: species interaction trials in the area. Sixteen pure species (seedlings), one E. grandis intra-specific clone and five inter-specific hybrid (E. grandis x either camaldulensis or urophylla) commercial clones were planted at three sites ranging in climatic condition from warm and wet in the south to hot and dry in the north. Final measurements, assessments and wood-sampling for pulping properties was carried out during 1999. These results together with relevant recommendations are discussed in this paper. On a growth, disease-resistance and pulpwood-quality basis, the top performing pure species at the southern (highly productive) site at Terranera were E. longirostrata and E. pilularis, and on the drier, more marginal sites at Teza and False Bay, E. henryi, E. citriodora, E. longirostrata and E. tereticornis gave impressive results.
Southern African Forestry Journal No.190 2001: 79-88