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Growth and provenance variation of Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis as an exotic species
Forking and foxtailing percentages were high in some tests in Brazil and Venezuela. There were generally higher incidences of foxtailing in Venezuela (greater than 25% at ages 5 and 8) than in Brazil (7 to 13% at ages 5 and 8). Forking was more similar, with means around 30% in Brazil and Venezuela.
Provenances had relatively similar growth rankings in the different countries, with a Type B provenance correlation of 0.59. BLUP predictions of provenance effects were made for Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela. The best native provenances were Limon (Honduras) and Melinda (Belize), and Guanaja (Honduras) also performed well. Improved sources from Queensland Forest Research Institute (Australia) and South African Forest Research Institute were 6 to 12% better than the mean of the unimproved provenances, depending on the country where they were planted.
Southern African Forestry Journal No.190 2001: 43-52