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Studies on ovulate strobili and seed production of Pinus patula in KwaZulu-Natal: scientific paper

SF Hagedorn


Cone and seed production studies in Pinus patula were conducted by the Institute for Commercial Forestry Research (ICFR) in KwaZulu-Natal as part of the improvement programme of the species. The optimum altitude for female strobilus and seed production is approximately 1450 m in KwaZulu-Natal. At four years after establishment of the Breeding Seedling Orchards (BSOs), male and female flowering is high enough to make a commercial cone collection two years later worthwhile. The seed potential is between 120 and 140 seeds per cone and seed efficiency about 50 percent.

Southern African Forestry Journal No.192 2001: 3-8

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2070-2639
print ISSN: 2070-2620