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Quantitative genetics and breeding strategies in hybrid populations of Pinus patula × Pinus tecunumanii


Forestry companies SAFCOL and Sappi conducted a study in South Africa to examine genetic variation and select improved material in full-sib hybrid families of Pinus patula × Pinus tecunumanii. The results from the study on clonal and seedling hybrid populations of P. patula × P. tecunumanii low-elevation subpopulations (TECL) revealed a significantly larger impact of TECL compared to P. patula. The TECL parents exhibited higher general hybridising ability (GHA) variance for volume gain and modulus of elasticity (MOE). Consequently, future hybrid crosses should focus on increasing the number of TECL parents in the breeding programme to improve these traits. In the hybrid seedling population of P. patula × P. tecunumanii high-elevation subpopulation (TECH), P. patula exerted a substantial influence on volume gain and MOE. However, the TECH parents displayed zero estimates of GHA variance for volume and a low GHA variance for MOE, relative to GHA variance among P. patula parents for MOE. Thus, this study recommends testing more P. patula parents in new intercrosses of this variety to enhance volume and MOE gain.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2070-2639
print ISSN: 2070-2620