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The Eucalyptus shoot and leaf pathogen Teratosphaeria destructans recorded in South Africa

Izette Greyling
Michael J. Wingfield
Martin P.A. Coetzee
Seonju Marincowitz
Jolanda Roux


Species of Teratosphaeria include some of the most important fungal pathogens of plantation-grown eucalypt trees. During routine disease surveys, symptoms and signs of leaf spot and blight were observed on the foliage of one-year-old E. grandis × E. urophylla hybrids in the Zululand region of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. These were distinct from those caused by the well-known and leaf-infecting fungus Teratosphaeria suttonii, which is not considered an important pathogen in the country. Culture and morphological characteristics as well as DNA sequences for three gene regions were used to compare the fungus isolated from the newly emerging symptoms with those for known Teratosphaeria species. DNA sequences were the same as those for T. destructans and this was consistent with the distinctive morphology of the asexual spores and the symptoms on leaves. Teratosphaeria destructans is an aggressive pathogen and actions will be needed to ensure that it does not impart serious losses to the local forestry industry.

Keywords: Kirramyces, leaf spot, Phaeophleospora, Teratosphaeriaceae

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2070-2639
print ISSN: 2070-2620