This paper uses the ‘input–output analysis’ technique to investigate why the Joint Forest Management program in India has expanded while the uptake of the Community-based Forest Management program in the Philippines has been relatively slow. The forward linkage of the forestry sector with downstream industries in the Philippines was found to be weak when compared with India. In contrast, the wood and wood-products industry in the Philippines has strong forward linkage in contrast to that of India. These findings indicate that further research into the supply chain of forest products in the Philippines is needed. Such research may then inform policy to bridge the gap between industrial demand for timber and national forestry production. The paper suggests that while rights-based institutional reforms are essential for promoting community forestry, the long-term success of community forestry may depend on the performance of the forestry sector within the context of the whole economy. An additional finding is that input–output analysis may provide important insights concerning the economic context for the uptake and long-term sustainability of community forestry programs.
Southern Forests 2014, 76(1): 29–36