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Author Biographies
Vindhya P Tewari
Institute of Wood Science and Technology, Bangalore 560003, India
Juan G Álvarez-González
Unidad de Gestión Forestal Sostenible, Departamento de Ingeniería Agroforestal, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Lugo, Spain
Klaus von Gadow
Burckhardt Institute, Georg-August-University, Göttingen, Germany
Main Article Content
Dynamic base-age invariant site index models for Tectona grandis in peninsular India
Vindhya P Tewari
Juan G Álvarez-González
Klaus von Gadow
Data from 27 remeasured sample plots were used to evaluate dynamic base-age invariant site index models for teak (Tectona grandis) forests in Karnataka, India. The data were obtained in observational field studies covering a wide range of sites in Karnataka and provided up to three interval measurements per plot. All the functions were fitted simultaneously using iterative seemingly unrelated regression and a base-age-invariant method. The model evaluation criteria were bias, root mean square error and the adjusted coefficient of determination. The best results were obtained with the generalised algebraic difference equations derived from the Korf base model. The selected model accounted for 99.8% of the total variance in height–age relationships in dominant trees. The dynamic base-age invariant site index model proved to be effective and accurate in presenting polymorphic site index curves with multiple asymptotes. The new dynamic base-age invariant site index models based on generalised algebraic difference approach (GADA) methodology can be recommended for dominant height prediction and forest site quality evaluations in the teak forests in Karnataka, India.
Southern Forests 2014, 76(1): 21–27
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