A comprehensive avian survey was conducted between April 2012 and November 2013 in Boni and Dodori National reserves, the connecting Aweer Community Conservancy corridor, and the adjacent forests. Survey methods were Timed Species Counts (TSCs), mist netting and opportunistic observations. Six different habitat types were identified and sampled: 1) grassland with Hyphaene palms 2) a mosaic of forest groves, grassland and Hyphaene palm savanna 3) dense thickets 4) wetlands 5) forest with dense undergrowth and 6) acacia woodlands. A total of 184 bird species was recorded, including two near threatened bird species (Southern Banded Snake Eagle Circaetus fasciolatus and Fischer’s Turaco Tauraco fischeri), 19 Palaearctic migrants, two Afrotropical migrants and 14 East African coastal biome species. There were eight forest specialist and 29 forest generalist species. We recorded sightings of a form of Red-naped Bushshrike Laniarius ruficeps that is not illustrated in bird guidebooks for Africa, and presumed to be of the subspecies kismayensis. Data from this survey led to the upgrading of the Boni-Dodori area from a potential IBA to full IBA status. Even though these forests have species of conservation importance and sufficient habitats to conserve these species, immediate actions need to be taken to ensure their protection. We recommend comprehensive biodiversity surveys in these forests in order to obtain more scientific information such as population trends to enhance the conservation of these important, but neglected sites.