The birds of the Uaso Narok Forest, Central Kenya, were surveyed between June 2008 and April 2009. We recorded 161 species representing 49 families in total. Of these species, 34 were representative of the Afrotropical Highland Biome, representing 51% of all Kenyan species of this biome; two species were representative of the Somali-Masai biome. In addition to the Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni (listed as Vulnerable in the IUCN Red List), there were 27 species of regional conservation concern. Breeding activity was recorded for 39 species, while a new population of Black-billed Weaver Ploceus melanogaster was discovered here, thus extending the species’ known range. The main human activities recorded in this forest included firewood collection, illegal logging and charcoal burning. This survey revealed that Uaso Narok Forest is important for the conservation of Kenya’s montane forest avifauna and deserves immediate official protection, as well as further biological research.