Sciences & nature publish original works in French or in English that have not been published previously, or submitted elsewhere simultaneously. Regular articles, short communications, research notes and reviews are considered. Contribution of 50.000 FCFA for each accepted manuscript will be in charge of authors. Manuscripts should be in time New Roman, 12 size and sent in triplicate (original and two copies), printed in simple face, in double space (27 lines of 60 characters for each page in DIN A4 form), with 3 cm of marge around the printed page. Manuscripts should be written in maximum 20 pages (tables and figures included) for original regular articles and 30 pages for reviews. All the pages should be numbered.

Manuscripts are submitted to the editorial board chief or to the editorial office at these following addresses:

Editorial board chief: Prof EHILÉ E. Etienne Université d’Abobo-Adjamé 02 BP 801 Abidjan 02 (Côte d’Ivoire) E-Mail :

Editorial office: Prof ZORO BI I. Arsène Université d’Abobo-Adjamé (UFR des Sciences de la Nature); 02 BP 801 Abidjan 02 (Côte d’Ivoire) E-Mail: ou

Presentation: Manuscripts should be sent with a cover letter containing the title and the kind of the article (search note, original regular article, review…). The cover letter should also indiqueted that the manuscript have not been published or submitted elsewhere simultaneously.
Page 1. It’s the cover page. This page contain: the title, the abridged title (80 characters maximum), the complete name and forenames of the authors and the complete professional address of each one. The name of the author-correspondent to whom correspondence should be sent, should be marked with an “*” and his a address should contain his phone and telecopy numbers as well as his electronic address.
Page 2. It beguins with the title in the language that the manuscript has wrote. This page should provide a summary (200 words maximum) in French and English preceded by the title and followed by the keywords (7 words maximum) in both language.
Page 3. The main text beguins in page 3. The text should preferentially be divided into introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusion, eventual acknowledgements and the references. Decimal
numbering is used to indicate the hierarchy of these divisions and subdivisions, limited to three levels.
All the references cited in the text should indicate the author’s name followed by the year of publication in parentheses. Fore more than two authors, the name of the first author is followed by « et al.». When several references are cited together, they should be arranged chronologically.
E.g.: (Sié et al., 1980; Maquet & Baudoin, 1988; Kouamé, 1989a,b; Tondoh, 2000). If two different authors have the same name and have published the same year, first letter of firs name and name should be indicated to suppress the confusion. E.g.: (P. Kouamé, 2003; N. Kouamé, 2003). Use expression «in press» for accepted manuscripts publish
in the current contains. In contrary, “Results not yet published” or “personal communication” should be indicated. E.g.: (A. Sangaré, CNRA, Adiopodoumé, Côte d’Ivoire, results not yet published).
The presentation of the references should follow the international rules ISO 690. The list of all references cited in the text is presented at the end, before any annexes. References are listed alphabetically by first author’s name and chronologically for a given author. A simple author precedes an author and co-author. The titles of periodicals are abridged according
to the ISO 833. Those containing only one word are not abridged. E.g.: Heredity, Ecology, Science, Evolution, etc. For monographs, the following elements are mandatory: author, year, title, edition (if not the first one),
location, publisher.
The proceedings of conferences follow the same rules as monographs; they should mention, when possible, the place and date of the meeting and the scientific editor(s). The citation of an electronic document
on internet must contain the complete http address and the consultation date. Citations of papers “in press” or “accepted” may appear in the list, but not papers “in preparation”, “submitted”, “results not yet published” or
“personal communication”.
Periodical article
Ganesan B., 1993. Extraction of…………………...........
Carème C., Mergeai G., Ydraiou F & Schiffers B. C., 1996.
Comparaison................................................................... Books
Dagnelie P., 1998. Statistique théorique et appliquée
(tome 1)..........................................................................
Article or chapter of book
Aké Assi L., 1998. La diversité génétique.......................
Congress communication
SunderlandT. C. H. 1998. Recent.....................................
Valero M., 1987. Système...............................................
Zoro Bi I., 1994. Etude.....................................................
Illustrations and tables.
Illustration must be on separate sheet, possesses a title and an explanatory each legend and identified by an Arabian number in order to appear in the text (Fig. 1, photo 1, illustrations 1, etc). Drawings, graphs,
flow-charts, etc. reproduced as a black line on white background should be submitted in the final size. They must fit into one text column (width 7 cm, height 18 cm maximum) or two text columns (width 15 cm, height 18
cm). Be sure the axes are perfectly alined and parallel with the edges of the paper.
Tables should be sent on separate sheets as for illustrations. Tables are numbered in Arabian figures and reference to them within the text is the same rules as for the reference of the illustrations.
All living organisms when first mentioned in the text will be designated by the complete scientific name. For chemical compounds, the international rules concerning nomenclature defined by the IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) (1987) are applied. However, since the scientific name of certain compounds is extremely long, the authors may add at first mention of the common name of the compound, its IUBMB (International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) (1992)
recommendations should be followed in agreement with the IUPAC. The commercial names given as well should be indicated by an ~*” and accompanied by the identification of the producer.
Numbers from one to ten are spelled out, except for quantities followed by units of measure. However, if a number appears at the beginning of a sentence, it must be spelled out. Reported data should include no more
significant digits than the precision of the experimental methods warrants and as a rule, the authors should conform to the guidelines of the norm ISO 31.
Units of measurement
The ISO 1000 (International System of Unit) are applicable for physical units, equations, quantities and units of measure. Abbreviations for these units can be used. In the text, the units are spelled out except when
preceded by a number, in which case, the international abbreviation is used (min, h, d, g, m, J, etc.). When expressing units of measure, the negative exponent is preferred to the fraction line (m.s-2 and not m/s-2).
Proofs and manuscripts correction After correction, the manuscript should be resent to editorial office twice weeks which will transfered to the

Authors will freely receive one copy of the journal where his article is published, and 10 offprints.  Additional offprints should be in charge of authors. Not to comply with the directives of this guide can justify the refusal of your manuscript independently of the referee’s opinion.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1812-0741
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