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The quadriceps angle and the incidence of knee injury in Indian long-distance runners

T Puckree
A Govender
K Govender
P Naidoo


Objective. To investigate the incidence of knee injuries in runners and to determine the proportion of injuries involving abnormal quadriceps (Q)-angles.
Design. One hundred male Indian runners between the ages of 25 and 65 years from 5 athletic clubs in Durban volunteered to participate in the study. The Q-angle was
measured using a goniometer. Other relevant information was obtained using a validated questionnaire. The data were analysed by comparing measured Q-angles with
‘normal' values of Q-angles obtained from the literature. A paired t-test at a probability of 0.05 was used.
Setting. Data were collected at club meetings. Main outcome measure. The primary outcome of the study was to determine the proportion of runners with abnormal Q-angles. Thereafter the rate of knee injuries in runners with abnormal Q-angles was determined.
Results. Data from 88 runners were usable. Fifty-one per cent of the runners sustained knee injuries. Fifty-eight per cent of the sample had abnormal Q-angles. Sixty-seven
per cent of the runners with abnormal Q-angles sustained knee injuries.
Conclusion. More runners with abnormal Q-angles sustained knee injuries. There is a need to determine reference values for Q-angles for the South African population,
the proportion of the population that present with abnormal Q-angles, and the reasons for this.

South African Journal of Sports Medicine Vol. 19 (1) 2007: pp. 9-11

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2078-516X
print ISSN: 1015-5163