Rules and requirements for manuscripts submitted to the Revista SAPIENTIAE

1. Works must be about interdisciplinary research, which may be theoretical or empirical studies of local, regional and international sectors/cases. Authors must guarantee that the works presented are unpublished and that they are not submitted to other scientific or other journals. Authors must provide their personal data and the link to their ORCID in the system at the time of registration.

2. All works undergo an initial evaluation by the Editor and the Editorial Committee and, if they are approved in the pre-evaluation, are distributed to the referees. Thus, the Editorial Committee reserves the right to publish articles that meet the publication criteria established by the Journal.

3. Works that pass the pre-assessment will be judged by specialists (mainly external to the publishing institution) in the field of knowledge, specifically using the “double-blind” method. Evaluations can generate four outcomes: publishable without modification, with minor modifications, with substantial modifications, and non-publishable.

4. To be published, works must obtain two positive evaluations, even when corrections are made. In the case of controversies and very different evaluations, a third evaluation will be submitted and the final decision will be made by the editorial committee.

5. After the review by the respective referees, the author or authors are informed of the acceptance or rejection decision, as well as the necessary corrections required by the referees, in case the work is accepted with this condition. The deadline for the referees to review the submitted works must not exceed 6 (six) weeks.

6. Works may be presented in Portuguese, Spanish and English. The abstract must also be translated into English, with a length between one hundred (100) and two hundred and fifty (250) words. Likewise, it must contain between three (03) to five (05) keywords for each abstract, which are also translated into English on the abstract page. The abstract must contain: objective, relevant authors, methodology and final considerations.

7. The length accepted for the work will be between 15 (fifteen) to 25 (twenty five) pages, with 12p font., transcribed at 1.5 spacing on one side. Exceptionally, works of greater length may be accepted depending on their relevance and content.

8. The structure of the articles should be as follows: For the content: first three pages (Abstract identified, Abstract without identification in the case of anonymous material) and abstract (without identification), Introduction, Body (which will depend on the type of investigation) , Final Considerations and Bibliographic References. It is important to make the titles bold and aligned to the left with the title type format. If there are notes, they will be placed at the foot of the page. Mathematical symbols and formulas must be created using the corresponding function in the text editor or support program. The graphics, tables and images must have their title and source, if necessary, they must be presented in additional files. The text must be written in the third person singular or, still,

9. Bibliographic References cited in the text must appear in the reference list at the end of the work (and vice versa). Carefully note that all references are marked, that the spelling of the authors' names correspond and that the dates given in the text are the same as those in the Bibliographic References. Avoid citations from unreliable sources, especially in the case of the Internet. The citations will be in the traditional format: Surname (year, page) removing the number of pages for cases of paraphrasing or use of the idea. If they are documents of organizations, the name of the organization or institution (year) is mentioned. If there are more than two authors, the word et al must be added before the year (only in citations, as it must appear complete in the Bibliographic References).

10. Likewise, the Bibliographic References must be written in alphabetical order by the surname of the (first) author and in French bloodletting. Multiple references by the same author (or identical group of authors) are sorted by year of publication, if the year of publication is also the same, differentiate it by writing a letter a, b, c, etcetera, after the year , format that will be used in the same way in the citations.

11. To reference different types of documents, the following order should be followed:

BOOKS: Last name, First name. Year of publication in parentheses. Title of the book in bold and the edition number in parentheses, if necessary, publisher and country of publication. Example: Gungula, Eurico Wongo (2015). Process of Interpretive Training in Higher Mathematics(first edition). Academic Editorial Española. Spain. In the case of a chapter of a book or part of a compilation: Surname, Names. Year of publication in parentheses. Chapter title. In Last name and names of authors/compilers. Title of book or compilation in bold. Editorial. Country.
PERIODIC MAGAZINES: Surname, Names. Year in parentheses. Title. Magazine name in bold. Volume, number, country and pages of the article (pp. XX-XX). Example: Gungula, Eurico Wongo; Faustino Arnaldo; Ugartemendia, Eglys Perez (2013). The Angolan context of mathematics education: A problem that drags on from the grassroots. Higher Education Assessment Magazine . Volume 18, No. 2. Brazil (pp. 487-499).
PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS, INTERVIEWS, UNPUBLISHED RESULTS: The same format as Last Name, First Name follows. Year in parentheses. Indicate whether it is a personal communication, interview or unpublished results and add the institution (if necessary), city and country. Example: Artigas, Wileidys (2009). Personal interview. Maracaibo, Venezuela.
COMMUNICATIONS MADE: Last name, first name. Year in parentheses. Presentation title. Event name and organizing institution in bold. City and country. Example: Buza, Alfredo Gabriel; Alberto, Guilhermina (2012). Possibilities of Institutional Cooperation and Knowledge Transfer in the Scope of Postgraduate Studies in Angola. XXII Meeting of the Association of Portuguese Language Universities - AULP . Maputo, Mozambique.
INTERNET: Last name, names or institution. Year in parentheses. Title of the consulted document. Web page from which it was extracted and date of consultation. Example: Varela, Bartolomeu (2015). Higher Education in Africa: potentialities, challenges and perspectives. University of Cape Verde. Extracted from Consultation: 02/16/2017.
LAWS, REGULATIONS AND LEGAL DOCUMENTS: Enacting body. Year in parentheses. Title. Country. Example: National Assembly. (2016). Basic Law of the Education and Teaching System, Law no. 17/16, of 7 October. Angola.
THESIS: Last name, First name. Year in parentheses. Thesis title in bold. Title obtained. University. Country. Example: Mendes, Maria da Conceição Barbosa Rodrigues (2013).Quality Assessment and Higher Education in Angola: the case of Universidade Agostinho Neto . PhD thesis. PhD in Educational Sciences. Specialization in School Organization and Administration. Minho's university. Portugal.

» If the author's name does not appear, the reference must be started with the title of the document or the institution that supports it.
» It is recommended to write the address / address (URL), especially if it is very long or complicated, to use the copy function on your computer or another mediator. In other words, copy the address / address directly from the document on the Net and then transfer it with the “paste” function to your document. In this way, you will ensure that the address / address is error-free.
» All articles external to the publishing source must adapt to the present regulation. Refrain from submitting articles in thesis format. Thesis results may be adapted and transformed into articles, but documents without proper treatment and improvement will not be accepted.
» This set of rules may vary over time, therefore, changes made to it will be published on a date in line with their implementation.
» In case of additional doubts regarding the interpretation of the norms, it is recommended to contact the Editor or the Editorial Committee, or through the following email:

12. From the Journal's Sections:

In the articles section will be published:
A. Research articles: Document that presents, in detail, the original results of research projects, as well as theoretical reviews/discussions inherent to one or several variables.
B. Review article: Document of research results where the results of published or unpublished research are analysed, systematized and integrated, in order to account for advances and development trends. It is characterized by presenting a careful bibliographic review of at least fifty (50) references.
C. Case reports: Document that presents the results of a case study. It includes an annotated systematic review of the literature on similar cases.
Communications from congresses and conferences held nationally and internationally may be included, provided they have not been previously published in other media. Said communications must conform to the norms of this Journal.
You can include, as annexes, reviews / critical reviews of texts, or summaries of texts according to their novelty and importance in different areas of knowledge. They cannot be longer than 05 (five) pages.
It may be possible to include translation documents that form part of research projects or translation works of the authors whose length varies from 10 (ten) to 15 (fifteen) pages. These documents will be chosen according to the relevance of the topic.
It may include documents such as interviews, research instruments and any documents associated with research practice that contribute as a source of information for students and researchers.

These instructions can be found in English, Spanish and Portuguese here

Conditions for Submission

As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify submission compliance with all items listed below. Submissions that do not comply with the rules will be returned to the authors.

  1. The contribution is original and unpublished and is not under review or for publication by another journal. Otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the Editor".
  2. The files for submission are in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format (as long as they do not exceed 2MB).
  3. URLs for references have been provided where available.
  4. The text is in 1.5 space; uses a 12-point font; uses italics instead of underscores (except for URL addresses); Figures and tables are inserted in the text, not at the end of the document in the form of attachments.
  5. The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Instructions for Authors , in the About the Journal section.
  6. In case of submission to a peer-reviewed section (eg articles), the instructions available in Ensuring Blind Peer Review were followed.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2184-061X
print ISSN: 2183-5063
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