Nofinishi Dywili led a normal life as a resident of a remote Xhosa village. However, her musical skill and knowledge of traditional lore, especially regarding the traditional education of young women, gave her leadership roles in the village, both as a music leader and as a teacher of young women. Looking for players of the uhadi musical bow, the author discovered her in 1980, and thereafter recorded her and worked with her until her death in 2002, bringing her to the attention of musicologists and students. The article briefly covers her early life and background, her rise to fame in South Africa, as well as her achievement of an international reputation. The roots of her special genius are investigated by examining her bow playing, and especially her use of highly sophisticated rhythm. The method of playing the uhadi is discussed, as are the writings of other authors on the topic. Transcription examples of Nofinishi’s uhadi songs are included in the discussion, to illustrate her playing and rhythm techniques. Looking at the texts of her songs, the article then gives a glimpse into her deep knowledge of traditional lore. Brief comparisons are made with other players of the same instrument.