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Fatal infective necrotising fasciitis: Complication following Naja nigricincta nigricincta bite (western barred spitting cobra/zebra snake)
Wound infections following cytotoxic snakebites are common. Bites from Naja nigricincta nigricincta (an African spitting cobra) usually present as severe dermonecrosis spreading within the subdermal fascia layer. Primary infections can follow inoculation of the snake’s oral flora during the bite, worsening the dermonecrosis into infective necrotising fasciitis. We report the case of a 2½-year-old boy who presented with infective (Proteus vulgaris) necrotising fasciitis after an N. n. nigricincta bite, resulting in multiple-organ failure and death. A P. vulgaris with the same antibiotic profile was cultured from the mouth of the snake.