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Some sociological aspects of nutrition and development in South Africa

H.W. van der Merwe


This paper is concerned with the development of the full person, i.e. meaningful participation of the individual in the economic and political processes and the acquisition of a sense of self-respect, confidence and responsibility. Malnutrition is la.rgely a social problem in the sense that it occurs under adverse social conditions such as poverty and disrupted family life. As a social problem it can best be solved under conditions of sound development in all the abovementioned respects. Since underdevelopment and malnutrition in South Africa occur mainly among Blacks, malnutrition is a basic aspect of the problem of race relations in South Africa, i.e. a problem that stands squarely in South African politics. Individuals such as doctors, health officers and social workers and organisations concerned with development and nutrition, are therefore involved in the basic political issues of the country. It is my plea that, while they should avoid partisan, emotional involvement, they should not shy away from their democratic responsibility to express themselves on basic political issues that affect development and nutrition.

S. Afr. Med. J., 48, 1669 (1974)

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eISSN: 2078-5135
print ISSN: 0256-9574