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Oorerflike faktor V gebrek (Parahemofilie)
A White boy and his family were investigated for a haemorrhagic diathesis. Both he and his sister, a primipara between 26 and 28 weeks pregnant, in May 1973 had a total lack of factor V, demonstrated an abnormal partial thromboplastin time and a prolonged prothrombin index with normal prothrombin activity. Factor V assays were 0%. Clotting screening tests on the father and 'another son, who a~e both heterozygote carriers, were within normal limits, but the specific factor V assays were 48% and 39% respectively, which demonstrates the limitations of routine screening tests as opposed to specific factor V assays. The hereditary patterns in the two documented families in South Africa, and this family, are consistent with a partial dominancy.
S. Afr. Med. J., 48, 537 (1974).
S. Afr. Med. J., 48, 537 (1974).