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Book Reviews

Claudia Naidu


The Interpretation of Tomograms of the Head. An atlas. By M. L. Daves, M.D. and W. E. Loeche!. Pp. xvii + 248. illustrated. 17.50. Springfield, lllinois: Charles C. Thomas. 1962.

Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry, Vo!. XVll. Ed. by E. A. Spiegel, M.D. Pp. xiv + 607. $14.00. New York and London: Grune & Stratton. 1962.

Muscles Alive. Their functions revealed by electromyography. By J. V. Basmajian, M.D. Pp. xi + 267. lllustrated. R6.80, postage 3Oc. London: Bailliere, Tindall & Cox. 1962.

Child Psychiatry and the General Practitioner. Diagnosis and treatment of emotional  diseases of childhood. Ed. by A. J. Krakowski, M.D. and D. A. Santora. Pp. x + 190. $5.75. Springfield, lliinois: Charles C. Thomas. 1962.

Injuries of the Knee Joint. 3rd ed. By I. S. Smillie, O.B.E., Ch.M., F.R.C.S. (Edin.), F.R.F.P.S. Pp. x + 536. lllustrated. R9.00, postage 35c. Edinburgh & London: E. & S. Livmgstone Ltd. 1962

The Year Book of the Ear, Nose and Throat. (1961 - 1962 Year Book Series) Ed. by J. R. Lindsay, M.D. Section on maxillofacial surgery 00. by D. M. Lierle, M.D. and W. C. Huffman, M.D. Pp. 342. lllustrated: $8.50. Chicago: Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc. 1962.

Blood Volume Dynamics. Studies in surgical disease. By H. A. Davis, M.D., C.M., Ph.D., F.A.C.S. Pp. xiii + 146. $7.00. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas. 1962.

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