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Book Reviews
Book Review 1
Book Title: A Short Text-book of Radiotherapy for Technicians and Students. 2nd edition
Book Authors: J. Walter & H. Miller
Pp. xi + 527. 303 illustrations. 56s. net. London: J. & A. Churchill Ltd. 1959
Book Review 2
Book Title: The Clinical Syndrome of Diabetes Mellitus
Book Author: John Lister
Pp. x +234. 34 illustrations. 35s. net. London, H. K. Lewis & Co. Ltd. 1959
Book Review 3
Book Title: Bulletin of the World Health Organization. Vol. 21, No. I
Pp. 144. Illustrations. 10s. Geneva: World Health Organization. 1959
Book Review 4
Book Title: The Effect of Pharmacologic Agents on the Nervous System
Book Author: F.J. Braceland
Pp. xi + 488. 124 illustrations. 34 tables. 108s. net. London: BailIiere, Tindall and Cox. 1959
Book Review 5
Book Title: Speech and Brain-mechanisms
Book Authors: Wilder Penfield & Lamar Roberts
Pp. xiii + 286. Illustrations. $6.00. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1959.
Book Review 6
Book Title: Doctor Squibb-the Life and Times of a Rugged Idealist
Book Author: Lawrence G. Blochman
Pp. xii + 371. 85.00. New York: Simon and Schuster. 1958.