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Book Reviews
Book Review 1
Book Title: Parsons' Diseases of The Eye
Book Author: Stewart Duke-Elder
Pp. viii + 613. 22 colourecj plates and 459 text figures. 50s. net. London: J. & A. Churchill Ltd. 1959.
Book Review 2
Book Title: Postmortale klinisch-chemische Diagnostik und Todeszeitbestimmung mit chemischen· und physikalischen Methoden
Book Author: F. Schleyer
viii + 64 Seiten. 34 Abbildungen. DM 14.70. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag. 1958.
Book Review 3
Book Title: Recent Progress in Microbiology
Book Authors: C.-G. Heden & G. Tunevall (Eds.)
Pp. 453. Illustrations. 70s. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications Ltd. 1959.
Book Review 4
Book Title: History of American Medicine
Book Author: Felix Marti-lbanez (Ed.)
Pp. 181. New York: MD Publications, Inc. 1959.
Book Review 5
Book Title: Progress in Haematology. Vol. 2
Book Author: Leandro M. Tocantins
Pp. vi + 290. Illustrations. $9.75. New York and London: Grune & Stratton, Inc. 1959
Book Review 6
Book Title: Grosse Nervenarzte. Band 11: 22 Lebensbilder
Book Author: Kurt Kolle
Pp. x + 252. 21 Abbildungen. Ganzleinen DM 29.40. Stutlgart: Georg Thieme Verlag. 1959
Book Review 7
Book Title: Recent Advances in Cardiology. 5th edition
Book Authors: Terence East & Curtis Bain
Pp. ii + 421. 133 figures. 45s. net. London: J. & A. Churchill Ltd. 1959.
Book Review 8
Book Title: Kunstmatige Inseminatie Bij De Mens
Book Author: F.T. Diemer-Lindeboom
Pp. 54. f 2.50. Utrecht: (Kanaalweg 132): Soteria, Tijdschrift van de P.C.A.O. 1959.
Book Review 9
Book Title: International Textbook of Allergy
Book Author: J.M. Jamar (Ed.)
Pp. 639. 17 figures. 110s. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications. 1959.
Book Review 10
Book Title: The Year Book of General Surgery, 1959-1960
Book Author: M.E. de Bakey (Ed.)
Pp. 639. 169 figures. $8.00. Chicago: The Year Book Publishers. 1959.
Book Review 11
Book Title: The Principles of Humane Experimental Technique
Book Authors: W.M.S. Russell & R.L. Burch
Pp. xiv + 238. 9 illustrations. 22 tables. 30s. net. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd. 1959.
Book Review 12
Book Title: Peripheral Vascular Diseases. An objective approach
Book Author: Travis Winsor
Pp. xviii + 845. 435 figures. £6 5s. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications Ltd. Springfield: Charles C. Thomas. 1959.
Book Review 13
Book Title: Insulin Treatment in Psychiatry
Book Authors: Max Rinkel & Harold E. Himwich
Pp. xxxiii + 386. Illustrations. $5.00. New York: Philosophical Library. 1959.
Book Review 14
Book Title: Practical Clinical Biochemistry. 2nd edition
Book Author: Harold Varley
Pp. viii + 635. 78 figures. 42s. net. London: William Heinemann Medical Books Ltd. 1958.
Book Review 15
Book Title: Essential Principles of Pathology
Book Author: John W. Landells
Pp. x + 278. 16 plates. 25s. net. London: Pitman Medical Publishing Co. Ltd. 1959.
Book Review 16
Book Title: Metals and Engineering in Bone and Joint Surgery
Book Authors: Charles Orville Bechtol, Alben Bamett Ferguson & Patrick Gowans Laing
Pp. vii + 186. 119 figures. 8.00. Baltimore: The Williams and Wilkins Company. 1959.
Book Review 17
Book Title: A Text-book of X-ray Diagnosis. Vol. 4. 3rd edition
Book Authors: S. Cochrane Shanks & Peter Kerley (Eds.)
Pp. xvi + 714. 735 illustrations. £5 10s. 0d. London: H. K. Lewis & Co. Ltd. 1959.
Book Review 18
Book Title: The Kinetics of Cellular Proliferation
Book Author: Frederick Stohlman, Jr.
Pp. xiv + 456. lllustrations. 5.75. New York and London: Grune & Stratton, Inc. 1959.
Book Review 19
Book Title: The Year Book of Endocrinology 1958-59
Book Author: Gilbert S. Gordan
Pp. 384. 87 figures. $7.50. Chicago: Year Book Publishers, Inc. 1959.