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Book Reviews

Claudia Naidu


Lumbar Disc Lesions-Pathogenesis and Trelltment of Low Back Pain and Sciatica. 2nd edition. By J. R. Annstrong, M.D., M.Ch., ER.C.S. pp. xii+244. 60 figures. 45s. net+ 15. Id. postage abroad. Edinburgh and London: E. & S. Livingstone Ltd. 1958.

Abortion in the United States. A Conference Sponsored by the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc. at Arden House and the New York Academy of Medicine. Edited by Mary Steichen Calderone~ M.D., M.S.P.H. Pp. vii+224. S5.50. ew York: Paul B. Hoeber, Inc. 1958.

Biophysical Principles of Electrocardiography. Vo!. I. By Robert H. Bayley, M.D. pp. xvi+237. Illustrations. S8.00. New York: Paul B. Hoeber, Inc. 1958.

Diagnostic Laboratory Hematology. 2nd edition, revised and enlarged. By George E. Cartwright, M.D. Pp. xi+250. 33 figures. S6.75. _ ew York and London: Grune & Stratton, Inc. 1958.

Homosexuality, Transresrism and Change of Sex. By Eugene de Savitsch, M.D. Pp. viii+120. 12 . 6d. nel. London: William Heinemann Medical Books Ltd. 1958.

The Problem of Dental Caries and the Fluoridation of Public Water Supplies. By Douw G. Steyn, B.Sc., Dr. Med. VeL, D.V.Sc. Pp. 208. 4 photographs. 45s. Johannesburg: Die Voortrekkerpers, Bpk. 1958.

The Chemical Prevention of Cardiac ecroses. Deur Hans Selye, M.D., Ph.D., D.Se. Pp. ix+235. 20 afbeeldings. $7.50. ew York: The Ronald Press Company. 1958.

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