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Book Reviews

Claudia Naidu


Thoracic Surgical Management. Second Edition. By J. R. Belcher, M.S., F.R.CS. and I. W. B. Grant, M.B. (Edin.), F.R.C.P. (Edin.). Pp. 216 + ix with 78 illustrations. 21s. Od. London: Bailliere, Tindall & Cox, Ltd. 1955.

Studies on the Cerebral Cortex (Limdic Structures). By Santiago Ramon Y Cajal. Translated from the Spanish by Lisbeth M. Kraft. Pp.-179 + xi with illustrations. 27s. 6d. London: Lloyd-Luke (Medical Books) Ltd. 1955.

Ladies in Emergency. By Alasdair Sinclair, Pp. 185. lOs. 6d, London: Christopher Johnson Publishers Ltd. 1955.

A TexTbook of Clinical Parhology. Fifth Edition. Edited by Seward E. Mil!er, M.D. Po. xxx + 1208 with 212 illustrations and 28 Colour Plates. 88"s. Od. London: Bailliere, Tindall and Cox Ltd. 1955.

Modern Treatment Yearbook 1956. Edited by Sir Cecil Wakeley, Bt., K.S.E., CB., LLD., M.Ch., D.Sc., F.R.CS., F.R.s.E., F.R.S.A., F.A.CS. Pp. 344 + xxiii, with illustrations. 25s. London: Bailliere, Tindall & Cox, Ltd. 1956.

Man's Mastery of Malaria. By Paul F. Russell, M.D., M.P.H. Pp. 308 + xiv, with 20 illustrations. 25s. London: Geoffrey CumberIege Oxford University Press. 1955.

Malaria: A World Problem. By E. J. Pampana, M.D. and P. F. Russell, M.D., M.P.H. Pp. 72, with 25 illustrations. 3s. 6d. Geneva: World Health Organization. 1955.

Chemotherapy of Malaria. By Sir Gordon Covell, C.I.E., M.D., G. Robert Coatney, Ph.D., John W. Field, C.M.G., M.D_ and Jaswant Singh, M.B., Ch.B., D.P.H., D.T.M. & H. Pp. 123. I7s. 6d. Geneva: World Health Organization. 1955.

The Zoonoses in their Relation to Rural Health. By Karl F. Meyer. Pp. 49, with illustrations. ·1.00. California: University of California Press. 195_5.

The Year Book of General Surgery (1955-1956 Year Book Series). Edited by Evarts A. Graham, A.B., M.D., with a Section on Anaesthesia edited by Stuart C. Cullen, M.D. Pp. 655, with 182 illustrations. ·6.00. Chicago: Year Book Publishers, Inc. 1955.

Antibiotism and Immunity Medicine of To-morrOI'" By Alexander Komis, M.D. Pp. 72. 8s. 6d. Bristol: John Wright & Sons Ltd. 1954.

Handbook of Pediatrics. By Henry K. Silver, M.D., C. Henry Kempe, M.D. and Henry B. Bruyn, M.D. Pp. 548. 3.00. California: Lange Medical Publications. 1955.

An Introduction to Psychiatry. By Max Valentine, M.D., D.P.M. Pp. 47 + viii with illustrations. 15s. Edinburgh & London: E. & S. Livingstone Ltd. 19-55.


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