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Book Reviews

Claudia Naidu


International Pharmacopoeia. First Edition Volume 11. Pp 350 + xx. £1 15s. Od. Geneva: World Health Organization. 1955.

Ear, Nose and Throat ·Nursing. By F Boyes Korkis, M.B., Ch.B. ( .Z.), D.LO. (Eng.), FR.C.S. (Eel.), F.R.C.S. (Eng.), FI.C.S. Pp. 168 + v, with illustrations. 12s. 6d. London: J. & A. Churchill Ltd. 1955.

Official Records of the World Health Organization No. 67. The Work of WHO 1955. Annual Report of Director-General to the World Hea/rh Assemb/)' and to the United Nations. Pp. xxi + 241. 10s. Geneva: \~lorId Health Organization. 1956. Local Sales Agent: Van Schaik's Bookstore (Pt'1.), Ltd. Also available in French and Spanish.

The Compend. Compiled by W. Hetherington, F.P.S. Pp. 669. Bristol: John Wright & Sons Ltd. 1955.

Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Meat Hygiene. First Report. World Health Organization: Technical Report Series 1955, No. 99, 52 pages. Price: 3s. 6d., $0.60, or Sw. fr. 2.-. Also available in French and Spanish. Local sales a"gent: Van Schaik's Bookstore (Pty.) Ltd., P.O. Box 724, Pretoria.

Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Nutrition. Fourth Report. Pp. 58. 3s. 6d. Geneva: World Health Organization. 1955.

The Year Book of The Eye, Ear, Nose and Throai (1955-1956 Year Book Series.) Edited by Derrick Vail, RA., M.D., D.Oph. (Oxon), F.A.C.S., F.R.C.S. (Hon.), and John R. Lindsay, M.D. Pp. 471. S6.50. Chicago: The Year Book Publishers, Inc. 1956.

Year Book of Neurology, Psychiairy and Neuro-surgery-19551956 Series. Edited by Roland P. Mackay, M.D., S. Bernard Wortis, M.D., Percival Bailey, M.D. and Oscar Sugar, M.D. Pp. 576. $7.00. Chicago: Year Book Publishers, Inc. 1946.

Year Book of Urology: 1955-1946 Series. Edited by William Wallace Scot!, M.D., Ph.D.. Pp. 398. Figures 82. ·6· 50. Chicago: The Year Book Publishers Inc. 1956.

Sralldard Arias of Humall AnaTomy-I Set-(Volumes I & If). By M. W. Woerdeman, M.D., D.Sc. hon. causa (Oxon.). Volume I, 512 Figures, Volume Jr, 642 Figures. £4 Os. Od. Amsterdam: Butterwonh & Co. (Publishers) Ltd. 1955.

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