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Metabolic Effect of Conjugated Oestrogens (USP) on Lipids and Lipoproteins

M. Notelovitz
B. Southwood


A study was undertaken to investigate the eff!!ct of conjugated oestrogens (USP) on the lipid profile of postmenopausal women. Twenty unselected menopausal women were treated for on!! year with cyclically administered oral conjugated oestrogens. Lipid studies were performed before, during and after treatment. The results showed that conjugated oestrogens had a slightly depressant effect on plasma cholesterol, b!!ta-lipoproteins, and pre-beta-lipoproteins, in both normal and hyperlipidaemic subjects. Plasma triglycerides were slightly raised during treatment in normal women, but depressed in those with baseline hypertriglyceridaemia values. None of these changes was of statistical significance. The apparent protective effect of endogenous oestrogen in the premenopause is probably related to its ability to maintain a normal lipid balance, rather than to reduce an abnormal one. This may be mediated through the known depressant effect that oestrogens have on the release of lipoprotein lipase. As a result, the breakdown of large lipid molecules to smaller particles, which could be more easily absorbed by the intima of the larger blood vessels, will be prevented.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2078-5135
print ISSN: 0256-9574