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Book Reviews
The Human Fetal and 'eonataI Circulation. "Function and Structure. By S. Zoe Walsh, M.D.; W.~'W. Meyer, M.D. and l. Lind, M.D. Pp. xiii + 351. Illustrated. $15,00. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas. 1974.
Handbook of Histopathological and Histochemical Techniques. (Including museum techniques). 3rd ed. By C F. A. Culling. Pp. xiv + 712. lIIustrated. R 17,00. London and Durban: Butterworths. 1974.
Arbeids- en Bedrijfsgeneeskunde. Gered. deur G. C E. Burger. Pp. xvi + 735. GeIllustreer. fI68,-. Leiden: H. E. Stentert Kroese. 1974.
Dermato1ogy. Proceedings of the XIV International Congress Padua-Venice. May, 1972. Ed. by F. Flarer, F. Serri and D. W. K. Cotton. Pp. lxxxii + 1008. Illustrated. Dfl. 280.00. Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica. 1974.
The Radiology of Joint Diseases. Deur V. Tzonchev, K. Seidel, M. Dimitrov en K. Herrmann. Pp. 221. GeIllustreer. R28,00. Londen en Durban: Buttenvorths. 1974.
Obsessional States. Ed. by H. R..Beech. Pp. viii + 352. £5,00. London: Methuen. 1974.
Essentials of Urology. By D. E. Sturdy, M.S., ER.CS. Pp. vii + 298. Illustrated. £5.50. Bristol: John Wright & Sons. 1974.