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Commentary on the Report of the Committee of Enquiry into the Abuse of Drugs
1. Types of drugs most commonly abused in the Republic of South Africa and their effect upon the human organism.
2. Consequences of drug abuse with special reference to the physical, psychological and social aspects thereof.
3. Nature and extent of drug abuse.
4. Causality of drug abuse and drug dependence.
5. Measures for the prevention, suppression and management of the problem, with special reference to the medical, medico-social, medico-sociological and juridical aspects thereof.
The respective merits of punitive, preventive and integrative justice are discussed. The main recommendations of the Committee were adopted by the Minister and embodied by him in the Bill which he presented to Parliament and which has now been incorporated in the Statute Book as the Abuse of Dependence-producing Substances and Rehabilitation Centres
Act, 1971.
S. Afr. Med. J., 45, 1327 (1971)