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Book Reviews

J. J. van der Walt
H. de V. Heese
B. Mervis
H. P. Wassermann
G. F. Rohm
A. M. P. Harris
J. Z. Przybojewski
E. M. Sandler
G. Dall


Surgical Pathology of Non-Neoplastic Lung Disease (Major Problems in Pathology, ,·o!. 13). By A. A. Katzenstein and F. B. Askin. Pp. xi - 430. Illustrated. RI09,75. Philadelphia: W. B., Saunders. 1982.

The Neurological Assessment of the Preterm and Full-term Newborn Infant (Clinics in Developmental Medicine, No. 79). By L. Dubowitz and V. Dubowitz. Pp. viii + 103. Illustrated. £6,50. London: Spastics International Medical Publications. 1981.

Computed Tomography in the Evaluation ofTrauma. Ed. by M. P. Federle and M. Brant-Zawadzski. Pp. xiii + 264. Illustrated. Baltimore, Maryland: Williams & Wilkins. 1982.

Thrombosis. Deur H. C. Kwaan en E.]. W. Bowie. Bl. xiii + 331. GeIllustreer. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders. 1982.

Extragonadal Teratomas (Atlas ofTumor Pathology, 2nd series, fascicle 18). By F. Gonzalez-Crussi. Pp. 204. Illustrated. '15,-. Washington, DC: AFIP. 1980.

Marketing for the dental practice. 1st ed. By C. L. Milone, W. C. Blair and]. E. Littlefield. Pp. xii +376. Illustrated. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders. 1982.

Two-dimensional Echocardiography. Ed. by J.N. hapira. Pp. xiii - 3-19. I llustrated. Baltimore, .\laryland: Williams & Wilkins. 1982.

The Circulation of Blood: A History. By Helen Rap on. Pp, 132. Illustrated. £7,95. London: Frederick Muller. 1982.

Displacement of the Hip in Childhood: Aetiology, .Management and Sequelae. By E. W. Somerville. Pp. xiii +200. Illustrated. D.M 112,-. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. 1982.

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery of the Face: Flaps of the Head and Neck. By F.W. Pirruccello. Pp. xiii + 97. Illustrated. Baltimore, Mardand: Williams & Wilkins. 1982.

The Medical Word Book. 2nd ed. By S. B. Sloane. Pp. viii +994. Illustrated. R33,70. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders. 1982.


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eISSN: 2078-5135
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