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Book Reviews
Surgical Pathology of Non-Neoplastic Lung Disease (Major Problems in Pathology, ,·o!. 13). By A. A. Katzenstein and F. B. Askin. Pp. xi - 430. Illustrated. RI09,75. Philadelphia: W. B., Saunders. 1982.
The Neurological Assessment of the Preterm and Full-term Newborn Infant (Clinics in Developmental Medicine, No. 79). By L. Dubowitz and V. Dubowitz. Pp. viii + 103. Illustrated. £6,50. London: Spastics International Medical Publications. 1981.
Computed Tomography in the Evaluation ofTrauma. Ed. by M. P. Federle and M. Brant-Zawadzski. Pp. xiii + 264. Illustrated. Baltimore, Maryland: Williams & Wilkins. 1982.
Thrombosis. Deur H. C. Kwaan en E.]. W. Bowie. Bl. xiii + 331. GeIllustreer. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders. 1982.
Extragonadal Teratomas (Atlas ofTumor Pathology, 2nd series, fascicle 18). By F. Gonzalez-Crussi. Pp. 204. Illustrated. '15,-. Washington, DC: AFIP. 1980.
Marketing for the dental practice. 1st ed. By C. L. Milone, W. C. Blair and]. E. Littlefield. Pp. xii +376. Illustrated. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders. 1982.
Two-dimensional Echocardiography. Ed. by J.N. hapira. Pp. xiii - 3-19. I llustrated. Baltimore, .\laryland: Williams & Wilkins. 1982.
The Circulation of Blood: A History. By Helen Rap on. Pp, 132. Illustrated. £7,95. London: Frederick Muller. 1982.
Displacement of the Hip in Childhood: Aetiology, .Management and Sequelae. By E. W. Somerville. Pp. xiii +200. Illustrated. D.M 112,-. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. 1982.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery of the Face: Flaps of the Head and Neck. By F.W. Pirruccello. Pp. xiii + 97. Illustrated. Baltimore, Mardand: Williams & Wilkins. 1982.
The Medical Word Book. 2nd ed. By S. B. Sloane. Pp. viii +994. Illustrated. R33,70. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders. 1982.