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Book Reviews
Principles of Cardiac Arrhythmias. 3rd ed. By Edward K. Chung. Pp. xiii 809. Illustrated. Baltimore: Williams &Wilkins. 1983.
Ethical Issues in Reproductive Medicine. Ed. by M. Reidy. Pp. 176. Illustrated. RI9,60. Dublin: Gill & Macmillan. 1982.
From Parasitic Infection to Parasitic Disease (Contribution to Microbiology and Immunology, vol. 7). Ed. by P. L. Gigase and E. A. C. van Marck. Pp. ix + 269. Illustrated. DM 216,-. Basle: S. Karger. 1983.
Prolonged Arrest of Cancer (New Horizons in Oncology, vol. I). Ed. by B. A. Stoll. Pp. xiv + 454. Illustrated. £25,75. London: John Wiley. 1982.
Pediatric Angiography. Ed. by P. Stanley. Pp. xv + 425. Illustrated. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins. 1982.
Thin-needle Aspiration Biopsy (Major Problems in Pathology, vol. 14). By W. J. Frable. Pp. X\'iii + 358. Illustrated. £42,25. Philadelphia: \'(t B. Saunders. 1983.
Essentials of Pulmonary Medicine. By M. H. Williams. Pp. xi + 190. Illustrated. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders. 1982.
Noninvasive Assessment of the Cardiovascular System: Diagnostic Principles and Techniques. Ed. by E. B. Diethrich. Pp. xxiii + 319. Illustrated. £25,75. London: Wright PSG. 1982.
Periodic Abstinence for Family Planning. Ed. by R. L. Kleinman. Pp. 60. Illustrated. £1,75 (in K only). London: IPPF Medical Publications. 1983.