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New BMJ ABC series
ABC of Spinal Cord Injury. 2nd ed. By D. Grundy and A Swain. Pp. 61. Illustrated. £11 London: BMJ 1993.
ABC of Diabetes. 3rd ed. By Peter J. Watkins Pp. 56. Illustrated. London: BM]. 1993. Obtainable from IJbriger Book Distributors, Bloemfontein.
ABC of Transfusion. 2nd ed. Ed by Marcela A. Contreras. Pp. 66. £14,50. London: BM]. 1993.
ABC of Vascular Diseases. Ed by John H. N. Wolfe. Pp. 79. London: BM]. 1993.
Female sterilisation Female Sterilization: A Guide to Provision of Services. Pp. x + 197. illustrated. Sfr. 41. Geneva: WHO. 1992.
Cervical cancer Cervical Cancer Screening Programmes: Managerial Guidelines. By A. B. Miller. Pp. viii + 50. SFr.12. Geneva: WHO. 1992.
Alcohol in southern Africa Liquor and Labor in Southern Africa. Ed by Jonathan Crush and Charles Ambler. Pp. 432. R99. Pietermaritzburg: Universiry of Tatal Press. 1992.
Primary care in AIDS Primary AIDS Care. By Clive Evian. Pp. 267. Illustrated. R59,95. Joha=esburg: Jacana. 1993.
Kliniese etiek Kliniese Etiek: 'n Christelike Benadering. 2de uitg. Deur Uys en Smit. Pp. 166. Kenwyn: Juta. 1992.
Ovarian carcinoma Cancer of the Ovary. Ed by Maurice Markman and William J. Hoskins. Pp. xv + 442. Illustrated. $156,50. New York: Raven Press. 1992.
Complications of cirrhosis Bailliere's Clinical Gastroenterology. International Practice and Research: Portal Hypertension. Ed by R. Shields. Pp. 208. Illustrated. £27,50. Kent: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. 1992.
Treating diarrhoea Readings on Diarrhoea. Pp. vi + 147. Illustrated. Sfr. 20. Geneva: WHO. 1992.
Manual of arthroscopy Techniques in Therapeutic Arthroscopy. Ed by J. Serge Parisien. Pp. 385. Illustrated. $157,50. New York: Raven Press. 1993.
Chemicals and birth defects Chemically Induced Birth Defects. 2nd ed. By James L. Schardein. Pp. xiv + 902. $250. New York: Marcel Dekker 1993.
Virology Progress in Medical Virology. Vol. 40. Ed by J. L. Melnick. Pp. viii + 221. Illustrated. Sfr. 265. Basel: S. Karger. 1993.
Perfused liver Perfused Liver: Clinical and Basic Applications. Ed by F. Ballet and R. G. Thurrnan. Pp. 398. Illustrated. £46. London: John Libbey. 1991.